Ah what a grand time to be in No. Michigan. The trees are all green and the fish are biting. I caught a good sized rock bass tonight while fishing with the girls. Threw it back since I don't have a license yet this year. Well, that and I don't like cleaning or cooking fish... But it was great. No bait either, just a killer lure (which got stuck in a rock on a later cast so I no longer have it...) sigh.
So the Traverse City Film Festival is in full dysfunctional swing and I have to say I am so glad I'm not involved. Word is that the founder is tougher and tougher to work with. I gave up last year. Or rather I should say that I have enough self esteem to not tolerate my time and talents being wasted, insulted and disrespected, for a second year in a row. I imagine he will be insufferable this year with his latest film coming out just before the festival begins. It's a shame too because I think his work is really important. He has a loud voice that yells about issues that most of us wish we could do something about and some try but how can one person or even an impassioned group change huge corporate problems and injustices?
Well he can because he mobilizes the masses. But this is a little lesson in good management... You simply cannot abuse the people you need services from. An ex-assistant of his told me that he has to restaff with all new people after every project he does because no one will work with him again. That works fine in New York because there are lots of people to go through who will take the abuse for the privilege of working with him. Once. The problem with mistreating people in a small town is that he will very soon run out of individuals who are actually trained in and able to do some of the specialized things that need to be done.
He may have tyrant syndrome (I just made that up). It's too bad he does not know when to turn it on and off. It was very evident to Rob and me last summer that it isn't the Traverse City Film Festival but in fact it's the Michael Moore Film Festival. It really is. Not from a political platform, but a micromanaged one.
I hope the public has a fabulous time and soaks up some great film experiences. And I hope he doesn't burn his way through every willing volunteer in Northern Michigan. He may just have to move the festival to Flint after all.
Happy summer folks.