Working from paradise this summer. In more ways than one. R is with us for the whole summer, which hasn't happened for a few year in a row. That means camping and beach trips and hikes.
How the heck am I supposed to get anything done?! Somehow he worked into his contract that should he decide to come back, he wanted the whole summer off. Naturally this ginormous corporation that he works for said,
"You can't have the whole summer off, in the middle of production!"
R: "Then I'm not coming back."
GiantCo: "You HAVE to come back!"
R: "Then give me the summer off."
GiantCo: "You can't have the summer off!"
R: "Then I'm not coming back."
GiantCo: "You HAVE to come back!"
R: "Then give me the summer off."
GiantCo: "You can't have the summer off!"
R: "Then I'm not coming back."
Yeah and it went on like that for a little while. R was in a nifty position of not really needing the GiantCo job but wanting to work on the project, but REALLY wanting to go Up North for the summer since he had missed out on that too many years in a row. Obviously he was not getting anywhere with GiantCo so he hired an agent. He had wanted to get one to negotiate higher pay anyway... Next thing we know there is a contract with a pay raise and time off from June 15 until August 18th.
What the?! Ok, so the agent is worth her 10%, which is the increase she managed to get him.
What's the moral of my story? Well I didn't start this post with the intention of finding a moral, in fact when I sat down I didn't even have an idea of what I was going to chat with you about, but I did had a few nice pics I wanted to post.
The moral I guess would be, if you aren't getting anywhere with a tactic you are employing, switch it up. Bring in some heavy guns or try another angle. Just saying you are doing something isn't the same as actually doing it.
Now go have a terrific day.