And had to take a moment to celebrate our change in government.
Oops, sorry, this isn't a political forum but suffice it to say...
I'm a happy person these days. (Gross understatement)
Back to our little discussion.
I miss Jenservations and they've only been missing for one post.
You know, I stated in the Starting Up Part 1 post
that I didn't get help from anyone
that I pretty much did it all myself.
While that is essentially true, I need to qualify it.
I contacted professionals to do certain parts of the process for me, like
Kathlees Shannon small business atty.
and Jason Young patent and trademark atty.
And my manufacturing partner in China,
And my family, who are investors,
several bookkeepers who for some reason seem to keep disappearing...
Hmmm, good thing they are not in charge of my deposits!
So by doing it myself, I meant I didn't consult anyone for how to do stuff...
I figured it out step by step.
Save one. One of the most fabulous people I have had the pleasure of meeting.
Phil Green of the SCORE organization. (See sidebar for a link)
I did not have a clue how to go after financing.
And it wasn't something I was particularly fond of... fund raising.
My Ad guy Brooks Richey over at Adhocracy recommended I contact
Score. "Brooks..." I said. "I'm not looking to get lucky just now... I need financing!"
Not THAT kind of score you dim-wit!
As it turns out the Secret Curry-flavored Organization of Rich Elders
was the best call I could have made! Wow! Yum.
Then I contacted Score. Which also worked out well.
I picked my score consultant for his name and location.
How superficial is that?!
Philip Greene, New York City.
Good thing his name wasn't
Herblemer Dingleplotz, Hell Michigan
Aaanywho. Phil has been absolutely essential in countless ways.
He's a mentor
He's a financial wiz
He knew what a business plan was and how to write one!
And he taught me how!
The fringe benefits are that he has very powerful, influential friends
and an amazing network of professionals who are all top in their field.
He's also a great cook
And a fabulous person.
And now a close friend.
G R E A T Organization, Score.
And free. I know. Hard to believe. But true.
I promise you, next post will be more Q and A
about getting started.
Here I am toiling away. It ain't perty, but it's cozy and cost effective.

Apparently there are a lot of stores in the Studio City area of California that would be great for your product. I had a conversation with a woman (over a turkey dinner) about several children's stores out here and how they would benifit. How would you go about getting your product represented out here?
We have a California Rep handling that area. Thanks for your input!!
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