It's quite a bit more cost effective but not as climate controlled.
The new shopping cart service we are with and the new fulfillment company just give me the greatest feeling of calm. Both companies are phenomenally helpful and well run.
* sigh of relief *
Now, on to packing for LA where we are opening a second office. We also picked up a new rep in Dallas which is FANTASTIC because we did not have any presence there but the southern states are my best region! So I am thrilled that we have somebody to take care of all our clients down there.
The kids are hanging out with their auntie and cousins this weekend.
I should be eating chocolates in a bathtub reading my favorite magazine, catching up on all the latest Hollywood gossip. HA! Not with all the work I have to do before we leave for the City of Angels on the 21st. Glad the kids got to play in the snow a bit before we leave it behind for the rest of the year.
And yes, I got a little link-happy in this post. hee hee.
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