Saturday, May 19, 2007

Send catalogs and they will come

It's amazing how, if you provide people with information
like a catalog
they will use it.

A bunch of old stores that stopped using the reps we no longer have, received our new catalog and were so excited, they placed orders right away.

Imagine if I had sent them out regularly. Ok, my new mid-year resolution is to get into a serious routine with deadlines like catalog mail dates and newsletter send dates that go along with my sample completion and go-into-production calendar.

It will be easier to function next year because Lil will be in school all day, like P. Right now I have 2 hours of uninterrupted time to work and running to the grocery store or doing laundry sometimes sneaks it's way in there... sometimes I take a half hour to eat lunch... you get the idea. Not much is getting done. But I am making good contacts and am involved in my kids school and their activities and that is important so I'm not beating myself up too bad about it.

I think the newsletter campaign will be fun. I am also looking into licensing. It's a world I know nothing about so we will see what's involved.

Taking the kids to Disneyland tomorrow to hook up with old friends. Should be fun.

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