The girls and I go back on Tuesday. I have so much I want to tell you!!! A follow-up on all the amazing stuff I learned at the Licensing show, a few topics that I read in the paper made me want to run to you and bloggity blog about it but I even forget what the topics were. It was important to remember at the time, but there they go... Whooosh!
But just since this rental property bathroom took up 3 solid weeks in July, and impacted my summer a it is:
This is what it looked like when we got a hold of the place. Broken tub and toilet wall in the middle of the tiny room, paneling... it was a nightmare. Someone call the fashion police.
So we ripped it out and put in this one
It was nice but the shower had leaking issues that ruined the floor and walls so I tore it out and decided to go the tile route...
So now we should not have to deal with it ever again. Plus, the claw foot tub is very stylish I think.
Like the new bathroom! Love the claw foot tub, can I have it when you are done with it?!
Can't believe you all are returning to CA already. This was the shortest summer yet, but then I suspect that kids tend to do that for the rest of one's life. ;-) Of course, I wish we could have gotten together at least once. Oh well, the best of intentions and all that.
Will do my best to keep you up-to-date on the goings-on of Traverse City while you are away. (Need any help getting to the airport?)
Ciao bellas!
Yea, I wish I would get a chance to use the groovy bathroom... oh well, those are lucky renters! We will be back before you know it the kids will all be a foot taller. Next summer should be more fun and less work! I was so swamped this summer I barely looked up. Now it's back to the grind and school.
Have a great fall and winter.
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