Thursday, March 15, 2007

So true, So true!

The following excerpt is from an article that Andrew Field, president of Printing For Less (.com) wrote for SmartBiz. I use and their customer service and product are top notch. I really like the comment below. It really sums up how I think about things. Good advice!!

Mix Optimism with Pragmatism:

Through an unlikely marriage of optimism and pragmatism, you can accomplish the impossible.

As an optimist, ignore the naysayers. As a pragmatist, tread carefully. Take one step at a time with hard work and patience. Stay focused on your vision of what’s possible while staying grounded in the needs of the hour. Try to reflect this mindset in every area of your organization.

Keep your eyes on the prize while staying realistic on how you’re going to win it. Most importantly, know why you want what you’re striving for. If your business truly reflects your ideals, your optimistic goals are within reach.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Saying No...

What is it about people who have trouble saying No?

Is it a fear of offending someone?
Are they afraid of making an enemy?

This is more a parenting post than business related, but it does have merit in business too.

I was behind a lady in line at a store here in LA. She was shopping with her daughter and trying, almost successfully, to keep up with her physically. The daughter was maybe 20 or could have been one of those 5'11" 14 year olds who have been drinking hormone laden milk all their lives and just looked 20, but anyway... The mom had the same long straight dyed blond hair and size 0 jeans but mom had big fake boobs and the skin under her make-up didn't have that youthful glow of the daughter but rather the chemically skin-peeled, botoxed hell-of-an-effort shine of someone trying to keep up with their 14-20 year old beautiful-but-too-thin daughter.


The daughter was loudly "in LOVE" with this little vest but "it's expensive". Mom says no way but daughter is "SO in LOVE" with it and would wear it a lot, she didn't know where, but she would, honest she would wear it "ALL the time" she swore! But mom would then have to put something of hers back (said mom in an exchange with the daughter that somehow volunteered me in the show since I was receiving smiles from Mom as if including me in the conversation.) I said quietly as if to myself, but directed at the mom since I was in some strange way, now part of the family, "Don't put something back, just tell her no."

The mom looked at me like I was from Mars.

I don't think the concept had ever occurred to her. After all her and her daughter were no doubt "Best friends" "Pals" "buddies who do EVERYTHING together" BFF.

News flash Mom... your best-friend-forever-mini-me was working you pretty good. Without further incident the vest was in the pile to be purchased while Mom decided what, of hers to put back...

No effort was made by the adult daughter to offer to pay for any of the clothes that she obviously expected mom, who made a few comments indicating how "strapped" she was, to fork over whatever funds she had. The vest and other items were things Blondie was clearly entitled too under the "BFF with a parent" clause, section 4D.

And I didn't hear a "thank you" either after the transaction... but people sometimes forget to say thank you for things that are merely an expected result.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

It's your call

Cell phones:
"On the plus side, they've made us instantly available anyplace, anytime. On the the minus side, they've made us instantly available anyplace, anytime." says Nina Cooper of Las Vegas (Parade Magazine March 11, 2007)

So says Bill James of Austin Texas, from the same article: "They ruin our personal time. Both your boss and your client want you to be reachable. A quiet dinner with the family? A movie? Fuhgetaboutit!"

News flash Bill... Um, try turning the phone off. Is this guy one of those parents who doesn't say "No" to his 3 year old because "he doesn't understand what it means." Oy vey Bill! It IS in your control. It's just a phone. If I am in a meeting I turn the ringer off. If I'm at a lunch date where I don't want to be disturbed, I turn the ringer off. Even if I'm at lunch or in a meeting and I'm expecting an important call, out of respect for the people I'm with, I put the phone on vibrate so I can decide exactly when the call comes in, if it's appropriate to take it at that moment. It's a matter of tact Bill. Does your family rate in the number one position at all or is work always always in the forefront. Maybe because I'm a mom, I will always put my kids first. But then, I'm the boss of the company too, so I don't have to be worried about getting fired for not taking a call but please people, everything in moderation.

If it's a Saturday night and you get to sleep in Sunday morning, try turning off your phone. There will be a little button that allows you to do that. Consult the manual if you can't find it... I'll bet you a hundred bucks, whoever is calling can wait a minute or two to have their incredibly important issue addressed.

Take control of your life! And have a lovely day.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Funny kids

Mom: What should we have for dinner?
Lil: I KNOW, I KNOW!!!!!
Mom: What?!?
Lil: You decide.

Why I oughta... Lil has been full of them lately. I'm glad too because up til now the contributions to the "Kid comment" book have been mostly Phoebe. Lil is the quiet one. Well, at a certain point, they turn the corner and it starts.

Life in LA is good. Probably because the sun shines most of the time and how bad can life be when the sun is shining? I still haven't finished my catalog, which is the first step in updating our stores with new information before we can call them to see if they would like to order. My new rep in Dallas is having fun with the line and has been faxing orders. I miss not doing the shows. NY is right around the corner... hope they don't miss me. :-) I know they will. There are over 1,000 booths at the ENK Children's Club show and every buyer, all 25,000 or so of them takes time out of their busy show schedule to come see me. So I'm sure my lack of presence will be a blinding omission from their visit to NY. I hope they find the rest of the show worth the trip.

Well... back to work on the catalog and my April Ad for Earnshaws.
I love that trade mag. It's the best of the bunch as far as I'm concerned. And my ad rep David is a peach.

Ta for now -