Thursday, August 07, 2008

What the heck is going on?

Sometimes I crack myself up.

I started out my day thinking I would get caught up,
go to the store do some gardening, work on some new styles...

The problem is, my list of potential activities was too long.
We have house guests and we leave back to LA in less than a week.
So on my way to taking a shower I made a mental list
of things to get at the store. But didn't end up going.
On my way to the car I remembered I wanted to finish a gardening
project and started looking for the shoes I wanted to wear for that
(gardening in flip flops, renders black sooty feet that you can not
scrub clean!) So while I'm going for my shoes I notice my digital
camera and remember that there are a bunch of photos I wanted
to download. So I did that and sat down at my computer to organize
them when I remembered I had wanted to go to the store and do some

Oh for Pete sake!

Ya know how some people do lots of stuff, pretty well but not great. And some people focus and do one or two things really well. Well today I have managed to do nothing particularly important. And I didn't even do it very well.

Sometimes you just have to write the day off and start over tomorrow.

Trouble is, it's only 2:00 pm.

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