Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lead testing

I'm so excited! I'm going to be renting a lead analyzer gun and testing all my stuff.

Hmmm, the things that excite me these days would quite readily bore the life out of just about anyone...

I had been trying to figure out how to cost effectively test 22 styles of already-made goods, without going completely broke. I heard about a woman who is doing some testing. THEN I found out what equipment she is using so I contacted the company and plan to rent it and do my own testing.

So I'm really looking forward to getting that info.

Everybody is saying, "But there is a stay in the process. Now you don't have to test!" Um... people... don't you WANT to know what is what? I was told it should all be fine but I would like to know myself thank you very much.

So that's my project for March. Well that and moving into our new house. We should close escrow next week.

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