Monday, September 28, 2009

Brand Image

Now, when these people named their business, did they do this on purpose? Look at the time they took to work out the logo with the F, S and W all working together... but Federal Screw Works? Really people?! Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this sign but from a business standpoint, um... would you buy screws from these people?

Actually, maybe I would. Just because their sign made me smile all through the Bush era.


Kate Brown said...

David Ogilvy once said "reason does not play a vital role if the brand is famous enough" therefore great care must be given to brand building which is the key to success for any business......

GSA Schedule

Stylease said...

The link posted here is a service that assists companies interested in working with the government. Government contracts can be lucrative but difficult to navigate. This link might help, though we do not endorse this company necessarily so use them at your own risk. Thanks for posting!