Friday, February 19, 2010

Book on adopting

I have a good friend from high school who has, over the past 12 years fostered over 25 children and adopted 12! He has recently published a book on the experience with the system and brought to light things that every prospective adoptive family needs to know.

If you are looking for an indispensable resource on the ins and outs of adopting, buy this book! It isn't a book about the tedious legal side, it's an emotionally charged information filled volume that was written from the parent's point of view. Most of Dave and Kathy's kids have special needs so there is some great info here that you wouldn't find anywhere else.

Here is the link where you can purchase the book: Proceeds go to the kids.



Lisa said...

Hi, Jennifer!!

I have been thinking about you lately, so I finally got around to stopping by the internet locations you've been known to haunt...or...whatever. :) You've been one of the voices whispering in my ear such things as, "Get off your lazy, simpering ass and write a book already, ya chump!" and "Ya coulda been somebody, dollface..."
I've been far too happy to have rich writing material at my beck and call lately, but I've started to find an equilibrium again, a sort of balance with the past inner demons and the current placid surfaces that reach all the way to my core. was nice to browse around--congrats on the puppy!!! I know that was a little while back, but man oh man, is that little fella DARLING! I loved your take on doggy discipline.

Hope you're all well!! What's the animatrix extraordinaire up to? (That would be Rob, to the lay person...) retrospect, this feels more like an email than a blog comment, but in typical Bored Houseiwfe fashion, I'll just leave it as is. :) Hugs to you!

Jennifer said...

Well hey there! And might I thank you for not commenting on the lousy spelling and typos I just noticed in my post. ;o) Yeesh! What is your e-mail dear? Mine is the same.

Mobile Mick said...

I think mine is the same, too....not that I can remember when it changed--or didn't change, as the case may be...


Lisa said...

OOps....that's the husband. :)
I mean, it was me, but he was logged in.