Set up a space where I can
hear from my customers,
address their issues with our products,
listen to feedback from people about what is working and what isn't,
get direction as to where we can make improvements etc.
I'm Jennifer Hughes,
creator of the Liloebe company
maker of Stylease infant wear.
I was on a perfectly happy life path, when having children
inspired an idea that has manifested into the most remarkable journey.
I am a parent, just like 99% of my customers.
The other 1% of you are rabid gifters and I thank you.
I started this company from an idea I had.
I looked into how to make that idea a tangible product
and thought that would be the hard part.
As it turned out that was the EASY part. Yipe! Cause it was hard!
Sales and distribution are the toughy.
It's easy to have an idea,
challenging to bring it to fruition
frustrating to market
exciting to launch
exhausting to maintain
difficult to execute strategies to build revenue and consistent sales.
This blog is a place for you to get and give advice,
discuss what is working for you
and what isn't, in regards to
our products
starting a business
being a woman in business
being a man having to deal with a woman in business
the page is blank, fresh, longing for dialogue.
Let's get to the bottom of this stuff!

I love your clothes. I received one as a gift, and liked it so much that I logged on to your website and ordered two more! Thanks for inventing such a great product.
I found you through the site. What a great story! Good luck with your product. I will keep you in mind when buying baby gifts.
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